Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pg 890 q's 9-15

9) The Berlin wall was built to keep people from fleeing from east Berlin. Because the west side of the wall had American allied troops.
10) Kennedy blockaded Cuba because of their rising threat of them creating nuclear bombs. Anyone who helped or participated and continued to go to Cuba would be considered enemies of the state or America.
11) The Gulf of Tonkin was the alleged attacks on American ships by the Vietnamese that allowed Kennedy to take it to congress in order to have authority to use American forces in Vietnam.
12) Agent Orange was a chemical agent that was used in the bombing of the Vietnamese. It was originally used to clear fields and jungles because it was so dense.
13) The Tet offensive was the turning point of the war. it was a series throughout south Vietnam.
14) Because the war with Vietnam wasn't necessarily declared and could have been considered unnecessary. The war with Vietnam wasn't really provoked not to mention the fact that America was still trying to recover from the devastation of war in Europe, Japan and Pearl Harbor.

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